A Couple of Quilt Blocks

Finally, some quilty things to show! I've been participating in the Skill Builder Block of the Month over at Pile O' Fabric, which has been fun. It's my first BOM, actually, so besides one very misguided scrappy trip a long block (just...don't ask), the first Skill Builder block was also my first quilt block! You can tell. Haha, it's not that bad, but you can tell I've been just starting out. I haven't managed to get good pics of any of the other blocks, so here's the latest two:

Woven Star

Woven Chevron

Man, those plaid chevrons look rough in the pictures! It doesn't look quite so odd when it's front of me, I swear...I probably shouldn't been careful to match up the plaid, though, so it's my fault in the end. I am really proud of the Woven Star, though! I think it's one of the first blocks I've made where the points actually sort of match up. No one told me that would be hardest obstacle in quilting. It shouldn't too hard just to match up some lines of fabric, it just shouldn't!

In addition to the Skill Builder Bom, I'm also in the midst of making Swoon (4 blocks done, 2 being sewn, 3 more to pick out fabrics for) and the Farmers Wife quilt (4 blocks finished! I just started last week). I took some pictures of those since I'm really pleased with how it's coming together, but unfortunately since I'm stuck with  my cell phone as my camera, I'm also stuck with terrible pictures. That will be changing soon! Maybe as soon as my work is quality enough for people to want to see the fine details, right? Good goals, good goals.


  1. I saw this on Flickr and when I read that you're just starting, I couldn't believe it! They look really great! I recently (last year) started quilting ans your seam matching seems ( ;) ) far beyond what mine were when I started.

    1. I can't believe my first comment is something so sweet! I've been really, really tough on myself throughout my learning-to-quilt process, especially without anybody quilty to advise me throughout. Thank you so much for lifting my spirits and helping me gain more confidence with regards to my work ♥

      Oh, I just took a look at your blog, and I'm so impressed by your latest block, the paper-pieced one? The colors are so striking together, and your piecing looks so meticulous! I hope one day I can paper piece like a boss, too :)

  2. Wow! I'm so impressed with your first blocks! Say what? Awesome fabric choices here!

    1. Ahhh these ones aren't the first, sad to say. I should post the very first ones soon...you'll be able to spot them. Ha! Thank you though - these blocks are where I feel like I started going from beginner-beginner to some-experience-beginner, if that makes sense c:
